Personal Training Contract & Policies

MM slash DD slash YYYY
The training sessions will take place on(Required)
Please be ready to begin each training session at your scheduled appointment time. Training sessions are not extended if you are late. Should you, the client, wish to reschedule an appointment, I will do my best to accommodate your request. If the request is placed less than 24 hours prior to appointment, you will be charged for the appointment.
**NOTICE Contracts expire 6 months after purchase. This agreement cannot be canceled and is NON-REFUNDABLE. All contracts can be transferred. Contracts can be extended for injuries, pregnancy, and job loss ONLY.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Consent and Assumption Of Risk For Personal Trainer and Evaluation and Physical Fitness Programs

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Health History Questionnaire

This Form and Your Confidentiality
This health history form is your opportunity to provide information that will assist our personal fitness professionals in evaluating your current level of health fitness. Laser Sharp Fitness will maintain this form and the information you provide in a manner that assures your confidentiality. Any information you provide will be available only to the personal fitness professionals of Laser Sharp Fitness and will be used solely in conjunction with planning and developing health and fitness programs
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Health History

Please indicate your history related to each of the following conditions by checking the appropriate box. If you have had any condition in the past, please indicate the date in the appropriate space.
Heart murmur, clicks, or other cardiac findings

Frequent extra, skipped, or rapid heart beats/palpitations

Heart attack, coronary bypass, or other cardiac surgery

Chest pain / angina (especially upon exertion)

Currently pregnant

Diagnosed with high blood pressure

Leg cramps during exercise

Chronic swollen ankles

Varicose veins

Frequent dizziness / fainting /shortness of breath / concussion

Blood clot

Severe arthritis

Orthopedic problem(s) or complaint(s)

Chronic back pain / hernia

Musculoskeletal problem(s) or complaint(s)




Epilepsy / Seizures

Rheumatic Fever

Scarlet Fever




Family Health History

Please indicate the number of blood relatives (mother, father, grandparents, brothers, sisters, children) who:
Clear Signature